Saturday, October 22, 2011

Facebook Status

A bachelor posted his status on facebook as.....

2 girls liked it.....
100 guys commented...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Rajini Stopped

An Email was sent from Pune to Mumbai.... Rajinikanth stopped it in Lonawala......

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

River loves Sea

One day Sea asked River -

'How long will you keep entering into my salty heart...?'

River replied -

'Until you become sweet....!!'


Friends are like injections, They may some time give u pain. But the intention is always to cure your problems

Monday, May 30, 2011

Girls - Maths

"Girls and Maths are two most complicated things in the world" But

MATHS at least has some logic. whereas
GIRLS ............... ?????????????

True Friends

Some Friends are like smell of Cigarettes which stay in fingertips for short time. But true Friends are like Nicotine in Cigarettes which stay in Heart till Death